速報APP / 生產應用 / MenuTab for Twitter +

MenuTab for Twitter +



檔案大小:1.4 MB


版本需求:OS X 10.7 或以上版本,64 位元處理器


MenuTab for Twitter +(圖1)-速報App

menutab for twitter.show twitter on status bar, doest not take up space for dock. one-click to access twitter.

Main Features:

1.Just click icon on status bar to access twitter (from you menubar)

2.Notification use custom alert sound or icons , you can customize alert sound

3.Menubar mode or desktop (full, more features) as you like.

MenuTab for Twitter +(圖2)-速報App

4. Can enter fullscreen mode

5. Click anywhere else can hide main window.(menubar mode)

6.Set transparency for whole window

7. You can resize tab window as you want.

8.Drag & drop attachments