速報APP / 教育 / STDF






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In accordance to Egypt’s Vision 2030, sustainable development comes to the forefront. Research is the pivot on which any development or sustainability hinges. Competitive research funding is what the STDF has been doing since 2008 and today we look forward to expand our funding both in terms of funding size as well as the funding schemes to support researchers at different stages in their research career. In our 2019-2023 plan we look forward to strengthening academia-industrial joint research inside Egypt as well more complex schemes involving academic and industrial partners from within Egypt and with industrial partners. The STDF has invested hundreds of millions of pounds over the past ten years in capacity building focusing on equipment purchase. The plan is give more focus to human capacity by giving more support to scientific events and to programs targeting the re-integration of young and fresh Ph.D. researchers returning to their homeland. The STDF maintains its commitment to its broad coverage of science and technology research guided by the ten axes of the national vision 2030. More efficient funding cycle and more support to the whole innovation cycle and a proactive handling of research artifacts as well as monitored Key Performance Indicators are in the forefront for national and international grants alike. STDF is looking forward to funding the future of Egypt through a more dynamic, better assessed, and better oriented funding schemes towards a sustainable development captured in Vision 2030.


