速報APP / 通訊 / Agrocycle






版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本





AgroCycle is a EU-funded project (Grant Agreement No. 690142) that addresses wastes from several agricultural sectors: wine, olive oil, horticulture, fruit, grassland, swine, dairy and poultry. The AgroCycle consortium is a large (25) multi-national group (including China) comprising the necessary and relevant multi-actors (i.e. researchers; companies in the technical, manufacturing, advisory, retail sectors (Large and SMEs); lead users; end users; and trade/producer associations) for achieving the project’s ambitions goals. Farming’s unique regional (rural) location means that AgroCycle will help reduce the EU’s Innovation Divide and address the Regional Smart Specialisation Strategies for each partner country: impact will be Regional with National and International dimensions. The presence of three partners from China ensures international synergies and a global impact. AgroCycle will convert low value agricultural waste into highly valuable products, achieving a 10% increase in waste recycling and valorisation by 2020. This will be achieved by developing a detailed and holistic understanding of the waste streams and piloting a key number of waste utilisation/valorisation pathways. It will bring technologies and systems from ~TRL4 to ~TRL7 within the 3 years of the project. A post-project commercialisation plan will bring commercially promising technologies/systems to TRL8 and TRL9, ensuring AgroCycle will have an enduring impact by achieving sustainable use of AWCB both inside and outside the agricultural sector, leading to the realisation of a Circular Economy.


The AgroCycle project consortium has developed a Joint Stakeholder Platform with the aim to promote the valorisation of agricultural waste across Europe. In particular, the platform provides an open space to raise public awareness for AWBC valorisation, educate young generations on the importance of circular economy, transfer knowledge and know-how generated through the lifetime of project and connect stakeholders (suppliers and demanders) across value chain. The platform is called AgroCycle Platform and is accessible at the following link: http://www.agrocycle-platform.com/


Agrocycle App allows to consult and update Agrocycle Joint Stakeholder Platform content to all the validated users. The following sections of the platform are accesible through the App:


Marketplace: Offers and demands of agricultural waste localised throughout the European territory are shown. The user is capable of uploading new needs or offers directly via the App and check specific interesting categories in a personalised feed.

News and Events: These two sections inform stakeholders about the upcoming events and relevant news related to agriculture, machineries, technologies and waste management. The content can be added by any registered users.