速報APP / 通訊 / morsecode






版本需求:Android 5.0 以上版本



Through the advancement of technology and multimedia systems, much faster communication methods were developed to further the means of easier long distance message sending. With multimedia system as an additional learning tool, it is composed of texts, image, graphics, audios, and animations, which will help the user’s understanding of means of communication. The developers have decided to implement the Android-Based Morse code tutorial, converter and quiz game for commercial use to supplement or introduce the Morse code in this generation. In the 19th century, a painter named Samuel F.B. Morse was commissioned to paint a portrait of Marquis de Lafayette. He began by painting a study to get the details of the portrait perfectly, but the piece was never finished because while he was working on the piece, a messenger riding a horse delivered a letter to him. The message stated that his wife was sick and it got him worried. He rushed where his wife is but by the time he got there, his wife was not only dead but she was already been buried. Morse was so upset by how slow a message carried on a horse was, that he worked on faster electronic communication. Thus, he created a masterpiece we call The Morse Code. A combination of long and short signals represents a letter or a number to transmit a message faster. In our generation, technology played a big role in everybody's communication. However, back then, communication is much harder because of the Great War and communication is one of the keys in winning it. The only mode of communication back then was the use of the Morse code and message encryption to conceal important messages from the enemies. As time passes by, technology improved and the old ways is being slowly forgotten. Only a handful of people are aware about the Morse code today and its shame because it was an important piece of our history.






