速報APP / 遊戲 / BridgePal






版本需求:Android 因裝置而異




BridgePal is a free wireless scoring system for bridge sessions. It can be used to score pairs or multiple teams events. Scores are entered at the table using the BridgePal client app on a phone or tablet, and transmitted via a wireless router to BridgeScore scoring software running on a Windows PC.


A number of optional advanced features may be individually enabled by the director:


If a hand record file is available, various contract entry validation checks can be performed, and hands may be viewed in the BridgePal app, together with makeable contracts, immediately after they have been played at the table. If hands are shuffled at the table, rather than pre-dealt, a hand record file may be created by entering the hands via the BridgePal app. Hands can be played in double dummy mode on the BridgePal scoring unit with card by card guidance, after they have been played at the table (if the free BridgeSolver app is installed on the BridgePal).


All of the PC software components are downloadable from http://bridgepal.co.uk. The website contains detailed instructions on setting up and configuring the system.


There are no charges for the BridgePal app or for any of the PC software components and no usage charges whatsoever. A bridge club need only pay for the hardware - android phones or tablets, a wifi router, and a PC to run the scoring software. By using low cost android phones, a system can be put together for a fraction of the cost of a configuration based on old fashioned purpose built wireless scoring units. Android scoring units also provide a better display and take up much less space on the bridge table.


The system was originally developed for use at Chislehurst bridge club in the UK and has been in use there twice weekly since December 2011, making it probably the first android based wireless scoring system in regular use. It has now been made freely available to any club wishing to use it. A BridgePal system does not depend on a broadband connection or mobile data connection and can therefore be set up in any location. BridgePal is english language only and supports master point calculation for all the UK national bridge organisations, as well as those of the Republic of Ireland, and New Zealand. It could also be used by unaffiliated clubs in other countries.

