速報APP / 教育 / Hippier




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Pronounced, "hippie-yay."

Hippier is a trendy and fresh self development party. A safe place to talk shop, insecurities, cookies, ice cream, and favorite homemade recipes.

Similar to hitting the gym or eating healthy foods, Hippier is a health investment for the mind and soul.

Entertaining and motivational self improvement: be more productive & increase self awareness with JOMO.

JOMO, Joy of Missing Out, is the emotionally intelligent solution for FOMO. Joy of doing YOU!

There has never been a time in HISTORY, where we have the capacity to virtually connect with other people. Not JUST our loved ones, but to connect with like-minded.

Ultimately, if you’re reading this now, you’re meant to be here for a reason.

Have you ever heard you’re the average of the five people you surround yourself with?

Hippier disagrees, you’re the average of ALL the people who surround you.

Whether that’s your significant other + family, whether that’s the friends you happen to meet from school or at a job. Or the newscaster on CNN. Or Kim Kardashian and Kylie Jenner. Or Tony Robbins, Oprah, and Atticus poetry.

Hippier is a place to optimize your circle and connect with like-minded, growth-minded individuals.

Hottest, freshest science backed productivity relevant in 2020.

Hippier Premium is ideal for those who prioritize self development and live life on their own terms.

Alternative therapies include:

Guided meditations

Guided poetry

Guided hypnotherapy


Positive affirmations


and more!

Exclusive content:

Short videos





Inspirational highlights

and beyond!

Concepts recognized by:



Tony Robbins

Marie Forleo

Glennon Doyle

Brene Brown

Jay Shetty

Seth Godin

Sylvestor McnNutt

Elizabeth Gilbert

Simon Sinek

Jasmine Star

Gary V

Wim Hof

Rhada Agrawal

Louise Hay

and more!


Optimize your life

Receive group accountability

Create impact on daily life

Sleep deeply

Calm the mind

Manage stress

Release guilt, shame, and self-doubt

Turn a bad day around

Quiet the critical voice

The list goes on!

30 Days 100% money back GUARANTEE.

Additional Information:



IG: @brittneykeiko

支援平台:iPhone, iPad