




版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本




Please read the FAQ before reviewing - - or write to if you have any installation problem. This App requires at least a Facebook account to work; if you want to listen to the whole song you ALSO NEED TO CONNECT YOUR DEEZER PREMIUM ACCOUNT (30-days free trial in most countries).

Do you remember the good old radio of your grandfather? It was pretty easy to use: you just had to switch it on and enjoy the music. Mentor.FM is an attempt to keep that simple approach but at the same time powering the radio with new technologies.


The usage is very simple: you login into the radio using your Facebook account and wait for the music to start. One click, that's all. will work and play music based on your Facebook, Deezer and Last.FM profiles (Spotify and Twitter will be added soon) and combine all the information using our own powerful algorithm. That's the NORMAL MODE and you are going to immediately like the vast majority of the music played.

There is an alternative mode: the SURPRISE ME! mode: in this case the radio CAN propose songs apparently far from your current taste, touching music lands you usually don't explore. We think that people are often too stick to their musical taste so we have developed a method to propose new music, something that can help you discovering that jazz (or drum 'n' bass!) is not that bad, after all.

Mentor.FM also show concerts near you that you might like!