速報APP / 娛樂 / Pro Tool MTGA

Pro Tool MTGA





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本




Pro Tool MTGA(圖1)-速報App

MTGA Pro Official Mobile App!

Pro Tool MTGA(圖2)-速報App

Access the premier deck and tracking service for Magic The Gathering Arena from your phone! The choice of 20k+ casual users and professional players, with MTGA Pro you can upload your MTGA progress and decks in real time, create or export new decks from streamers and pro players, check on your resources and card collection, or follow your friends as they play and collect along with you!

Pro Tool MTGA(圖3)-速報App

MTGA Pro mobile app allows you to:

Pro Tool MTGA(圖4)-速報App

--Track your game progress (collection, gold, gems, and vault) without switching to a web browser directly from your phone, all in real time as you play!

Pro Tool MTGA(圖5)-速報App

--Find new decks from top streamers and Magic community, get budget decks or check what is are the top performing decks in the current meta

Pro Tool MTGA(圖6)-速報App

--Watch deck tech videos or play walkthroughs that teach you how to win with the top decks in the current metagame

Pro Tool MTGA(圖7)-速報App

IMPORTANT: To use full-featured MTGA Pro service on the web and your mobile phone, you need to create an account at http://mtgarena.pro and install a tracker software on your PC that updates your game progress in real time.

Pro Tool MTGA(圖8)-速報App