速報APP / 教育 / English Through Story

English Through Story





版本需求:Android 4.2 以上版本




English Through Story(圖1)-速報App

Do you know what the hardest thing for an English language learner is?

Finding PROPER reading material that students can handle…which is precisely the reason we’ve made this app!

Teachers love giving out tough, expert-level literature to their students, books that present many new problems to the reader and force them to search for words in a dictionary every five minutes — it’s not entertaining, useful or motivating for the student at all, and many soon give up on learning at all!

In this app we have compiled 100 easy-to-read, compelling and fun stories that will allow you to expand your vocabulary and give you the tools to improve your grasp of the wonderful English language.

How English Short Stories for Beginners works:

Why Audio Short Stories Are Perfect for the ESL Classroom?

Each story will involve an important lesson of the tools in the English language (Verbs, Adjectives, Past Tense, Giving Directions, and more), involving an interesting and entertaining story with realistic dialogues and day-to-day situations.

At the end of those summaries, you’ll be provided with a list of the most relevant vocabulary involved in the lesson, as well as slang and sayings that you may not have understood at first glance!

Finally, you’ll be provided with a set of tricky questions in English, providing you with the chance to prove that you learned something in the story. Don’t worry if you don’t know the answer to any — we will provide them immediately after, but no cheating!

We want you to feel comfortable while learning English; after all, no language should be a barrier for you to travel around the world and expand your social circles!

So look no further! Download English through story and improve your English right now!

While audio short stories are an awesome way for students to practice listening at home, they’re also the perfect tool for any ESL classroom. Here’s why:

They provide a natural voice, complete with natural intonation and expression.

- There are stories to be found that are appropriate for all learners.

- Most audio short stories are under three minutes long and therefore can easily be incorporated into any lesson plan.

- The grammar, vocabulary or content of the story can be gleaned and a lesson subsequently created around it.

English Through Story(圖2)-速報App

- There are hundred of free audio short stories online to choose from.

- They can be used as a starter to lead-in to the topic of the lesson.

Improve your English, learn more vocabulary, and have fun with these exciting English short stories!

In this app you will find:

- Short stories in different genres

- Short chapters, so you can finish each story easily and not get frustrated

- Carefully chosen vocabulary that is not too hard for you

- Grammar at the right level for intermediate level learners, so you can learn new grammar without feeling frustrated

- Real, spoken English in each story, so you can learn English that native speakers really use

The exciting stories are designed to make English fun, and to help you say: "I understand everything I'm hearing!"

If you find English hard, these stories are perfect! You will be able to enjoy hearing English and learn more vocabulary in a natural way!

Reading and listening to short stories is an effective and enjoyable method to learning English.

Gain a greater vocabulary that you can use immediately, every day. You will add 1,500+ English words and expressions to your repertoire through the encounter of descriptive sentences and casual conversations woven throughout the stories.

Learn how to pronounce English words properly by comparing the written word to the audio recording.

100 entertaining stories about everyday themes written using a wide range of vocabulary and diverse grammar structures.

Audio in English to improve your listening skills.

English Through Story(圖3)-速報App

Reading is the key to improving your comprehension skills, and it helps you formulate better sentences.

So what are you waiting for? Download now!