速報APP / 工具 / SideSlides




檔案大小:4.8 MB


版本需求:macOS 10.14 或以上版本,64 位元處理器



SideSlides is a utility to combine multiple images into one, side-by-side.

Click in image slots, one at a time, to load an image from the clipboard.

Then hit Command C to copy the combined image to the clipboard, or alternatively, drag it out to disk.

Add more image slots using + and remove using -

Options include:

• Insert spacing between images

• Combine images vertically or horizontally


• Option to align images to the top (when combining horizontally) or align images to the left (when combining vertically). Default behavior is to center the combined images.

• Instead of pulling images from the clipboard, drag in image files into the slots

Use cases:

• Collect screenshots and merge into one tall or wide image to create helpful instructions

• Clip interesting images side-by-side such as for before-and-after

• Merge two slides from presentations for easier comparison and analysis

• Clip multiple tweets into a tall, shareable image

• Stitch tall screenshots side-by-side such as iPhone screenshots received via AirDrop on your Mac