速報APP / 生產應用 / MarkMyWords




檔案大小:8 MB


版本需求:OS X 10.10 或以上版本,64 位元處理器


MarkMyWords is a comprehensive writing environment for everyone who creates articles with markup-formatting.

MARKUP SUPPORT: Markdown + Extra, MultiMarkdown, Textile, Wikitext, BBCode, HTML

# MarkMyWords feature-overview:

- support for various markup-languages ​​

- markup-highlighting

- live preview of the formatted article or preview the HTML-code


- selection of various inbuilt CSS styles and possibility to use own CSS styles for preview

- support of CriticMarkup

- comprehensive set of options for the text editor

- use your own text-templates

- large collection of keyboard shortcuts to perform text manipulation

- headline Navigation-Popup


- a flexible "distraction-free mode"

- export documents (RTF, RTFD, HTML, DOC, ODT, PDF, Textbundle, Textpack)

- extendable with plugins

- import CSV spreadsheets as a formatted table

- quick saving of documents to predefined locations

# Open file-format


MarkMyWords DOES NOT use databases or proprietary file formats for saving documents. All documents created with MarkMyWords are saved as plain text files by default and are therefore Application- and Platform-Independent. So you have full control over your texts. MarkMyWords also offers an option to store documents in the open Textbundle-format.

# Advanced Text Editor Features

The text editor offers many useful features to simplify the writing of texts. In addition to the automatic closing of brackets and quotes, the editor also provides an automatic list generation. Moreover, an automated table creation is available for MultiMarkdown and Markdown Extra. In addition, a rich set of keyboard shortcuts for the most common formatting and actions for moving/copying text within documents is available.

# Options to adjust look'n feel of the editor

MarkMyWords also provides many options to offer a comfortable working environment by setting many aspects of the editor to your personal preferences. Next to settings for font-color, -style and -size, there are also options for spacing of lines, paragraphs, etc. and the option to display line numbering next to the editor.

# Live preview


The live preview shows your texts in the formatted state. When displaying you can either use on of the inbuilt CSS-Styles or use your own CSS-Styles. It is also possible to display CriticMarkup formatting.

# Templates

By using templates MarkMyWords you can write articles with repetitive text structures even faster.

You can create templates yourself and insert them at any time into a document. In conjunction with the other functions of MarkMyWords you can create texts faster and more focused.

# Extending MarkMyWords

The feature-set of MarkMyWords can be extended by its own plugin system. By using the widely used scripting languages ​​Perl, PHP, Python or Ruby, individual plugins are developed with ease that meet the individual requirements.


# Distraction-free mode

The distraction-free mode hides all elements and thus directs the full concentration to the actual text. Just alike for the normal editor, extensive options are available for the distraction free mode to customize the environment to your preferences.

### Questions?

For more information about MarkMyWords, visit Xelaton.com. There you can also send me a message in case of problems or questions via the contact form!

Privacy Policy: https://xelaton.com/index.php?lang=en&rubrik=privacy
