速報APP / 通訊 / fairchat






版本需求:Android 4.2 以上版本



聯絡地址:Badgasse 3 6850 Dornbirn


NEW in version 1.2:

- search for groups or messages

- see online status of users and set yours

- new graphical layout

- copy, delete and reply to messages

- improved robustness in weak networks

- allow up/download of files also for Android 8+

- improved handling for creating groups or adding users

fairchat is a feature rich app for any Rocket.Chat based chat server:

- browse or start groups

- invite members to groups

- unlimited group size

- send text with emojis

- photo, video and file upload


- start video conference

- send video messages

- push notifications via fairkom push gateway

- always in sync with all apps and Rocket.Chat web interface

Sign up for a free account at https://fairchat.net

Select fairlogin single-sign-on method for fairchat.

GDPR compliance: This app does NOT copy your addressbook (like most other messengers do). Find your chat partners in the search dialog by their nicknames. They should register as well at fairchat.net

For a complete feature list see https://fairchat.eu

You may use this app with any RocketChat server version 0.56+ with the fairchat push notification service.

Technology: native C++ client facilitating Qt5

License: GPLv3

Code and Issues: https://git.fairkom.net/chat/fairchat

Developed by: fairkom association (fairkom.eu)

Made with Love in the Alps.


We also offer to provide a custom version of the app, if you run your own Rocket.Chat server at your company or organisation.
