版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本
TagTags aims to minimize manual handling of data and streamline the process of getting data from the field to a larger database. The most obvious advantage is that there no longer is any need to rewrite data from a paper protocol to an electronic document. Furthermore, there is no risk of protocols becoming unreadable due to bad handwriting or rain, and it also reduces the risk of papers getting lost. However, if the protocols are constructed in the correct way they can also give helpful information back to the user. For example, automated calculations of rinse volume for groundwater wells. Overall, it will save you a lot of time.
Since the project's conception it has grown quite substantially, and now consists of a whole suite of applications (endearingly referred to as *Tags). We have one application for designing and modifying protocols, one application that acts as a server that can send and receive data that has been registered, and lastly we have the mobile app. However simplicity and ease of use has always been at the very core of the design philosophy. Information should not only be easy to read and write, the flow while using it should also be straightforward. This was the idea that spawned EditTags, which is the protocol designer in the software suite. Building a protocol in EditTags is like piecing together different building blocks. These blocks can be anything from simple text and number cells to tick boxes, coordinates from the built in GPS, roll down selection menus, as well as fields that perform calculations. TagTags also has the possibility to include documents (like maps or PDFs) to help field and lab personnel during sampling.
EditTags and SyncTags can be downloaded here:
And here: