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Fitzpatrick's Atlas & Synopsis of De





版本需求:Android 3.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:8529 Raintree Woods Drive Fair Oaks Ranch, TX 78255

Fitzpatrick's Atlas & Synopsis of Dermatology, 8/E(圖1)-速報App

A Doody's Core Title for 2017!

More than 1,000 full-color photographs speed diagnosis of the dermatologic conditions most often encountered in primary care

One of the bestselling dermatology books in the world, this quick-reference clinical guide has virtually defined the field for thousands of physicians, dermatology residents, and medical students for more than three decades. Spanning the entire spectrum of skin problems, Fitzpatrick’s Color Atlas and Synopsis of Clinical Dermatology, Eighth Edition combines laser-precise color images of skin lesions along with an overview of epidemiology and pathophysiology, and detailed information on diagnosis and treatment.


• Approximately 1083 full-color images, with more than 40% new to this edition

• ICD-10 codes are included for each disease

Fitzpatrick's Atlas & Synopsis of Dermatology, 8/E(圖2)-速報App

• Thoroughly updated coverage of etiology, pathogenesis, management, and therapy

• Many images highlight skin disease in different ethnic populations

If you’ve been looking for a unique combination text, clinical reference, and color atlas that spans the entire field of dermatology, and has been trusted by thousands of clinicians and students, your search ends here.

No Internet connection needed to view the app after it has been downloaded. It is all ready for quick image and information retrieval. This app is optimized for whatever size device you are using, either phone or tablet.

This app is easy to navigate, allowing you to browse the contents or search for topics. The search tool shows you suggestions that appear in the text as you type so it is quick and helps with spelling medical terms. It also remembers past search terms so you can go back to a topic or image very easily. You can also create notes and bookmarks separately for chapters and images to enhance your learning. You can also change the text size for easier reading.

This interactive app is based on the full content of Fitzpatrick's Color Atlas And Synopsis Of Clinical Dermatology, Eighth Edition by McGraw-Hill Education.

Fitzpatrick's Atlas & Synopsis of Dermatology, 8/E(圖3)-速報App


Klaus Wolff, MD, FRCP

Professor and Chairman Emeritus

Department of Dermatology

Medical University of Vienna

Chief Emeritus, Dermatology Service

Fitzpatrick's Atlas & Synopsis of Dermatology, 8/E(圖4)-速報App

General Hospital of Vienna

Vienna, Austria

Richard Allen Johnson, MDCM

Associate Professor of Dermatology

Massachusetts General Hospital

Harvard Medical School

Fitzpatrick's Atlas & Synopsis of Dermatology, 8/E(圖5)-速報App

Boston, Massachusetts

Arturo P. Saavedra, MD, PhD, MBA

Associate Professor of Dermatology

Massachusetts General Hospital

Vice Chair for Clinical Affairs

Harvard Medical School

Fitzpatrick's Atlas & Synopsis of Dermatology, 8/E(圖6)-速報App

Boston, Massachusetts

Ellen K. Roh, MD

Instructor in Dermatology

Massachusetts General Hospital

Boston, Massachusetts

Disclaimer: This app is intended for the education of healthcare professionals and not as a diagnostic and treatment reference for the general population.

Fitzpatrick's Atlas & Synopsis of Dermatology, 8/E(圖7)-速報App

Developed by Usatine Media, LLC

Richard P. Usatine, MD, Co-President, Professor of Family & Community Medicine, Professor of Dermatology and Cutaneous Surgery, University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio

Peter Erickson, Co-President, Lead Software Developer

Fitzpatrick's Atlas & Synopsis of Dermatology, 8/E(圖8)-速報App