速報APP / 生產應用 / Simply Focus

Simply Focus


檔案大小:7 MB

版本需求:需要 iOS 11.4 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Simply Focus(圖1)-速報App

Build your work or study routine on a proven technique to increase productivity and improve focus!

The technique is simple:

1. Select one topic or task to work on.

2. Work on it for 25 minutes (without stopping!)

3. Take a 5 minute break.

4. Rinse and Repeat

5. After 4 completed 25-minute sessions, take a 15 minute break.

6. Start again at Step 1.

Simply Focus(圖2)-速報App

Important Tips:

- Don't work on more than one subject in a given session. This fractures your focus and, consequently, your productivity.

- If you finish a task early, keep working/studying until the session ends. Don't give in to the temptation to take an early break or start a new subject. This is critical for maintaining focus!

- During a session, avoid all distractions, especially phone calls and text messages. Save those for your break periods.

App Features

Simply Focus is designed to help you do just that. That's why we didn't add any bells and whistles.

— The app will keep track of time for you, notifying you when it is time for a break and when it is time to work again.

— It does not automatically start a new timer after one finishes. You have full control over when you begin and end your work or study.

Simply Focus(圖3)-速報App

— It will also keep track of how many sessions you've completed to make sure you take a 15 minute break right on schedule!

That's it. No purchases, no extra features, just you and your work.

Simply Focus(圖4)-速報App
