速報APP / 遊戲 / Nancy Drew - The Captive Curse

Nancy Drew - The Captive Curse



檔案大小:1.8 GB


版本需求:OS X 10.7.5 或以上版本


Nancy Drew - The Captive Curse(圖1)-速報App

A terrifying myth comes alive in Germany! Many years ago a monster stalked the German forest surrounding Castle Finster. According to locals and storytellers, the monster disappeared when it claimed a victim. Now everyone is frightened by the sights and sounds of something large stumbling through the darkness. Can you solve the mystery before the monster adds another chapter to this legend? Dare to Play.

Nancy Drew - The Captive Curse(圖2)-速報App

Nancy Drew - The Captive Curse(圖3)-速報App

Nancy Drew - The Captive Curse(圖4)-速報App

Nancy Drew - The Captive Curse(圖5)-速報App