速報APP / 圖書與參考資源 / XOWA - Wikipedia Offline

XOWA - Wikipedia Offline





版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本




XOWA - Wikipedia Offline(圖1)-速報App

The XOWA Android App is the free open-source offline Wikipedia app. Read Wikipedia on your phone or tablet -- anywhere, anytime, anyway.

XOWA - Wikipedia Offline(圖2)-速報App


XOWA - Wikipedia Offline(圖3)-速報App

- English Wikipedia: Read from over 10 million pages in English Wikipedia. Offline images also available if you have the space. English Wikipedia updated monthly.

XOWA - Wikipedia Offline(圖4)-速報App

- Familiar look: Enjoy the look and feel of the Wikipedia Android App with features like tabbed browsing, table of contents, saved pages, find in page, and more.

XOWA - Wikipedia Offline(圖5)-速報App

- Powerful search: Find pages using any word or letters in the title. Use boolean searches like "earth + (history, future) -middle"

XOWA - Wikipedia Offline(圖6)-速報App

- Other wikis: Want a different wiki? Build one yourself using XOWA's desktop app. Or request one at https://github.com/gnosygnu/xowa/issues

XOWA - Wikipedia Offline(圖7)-速報App

- Full privacy: Use Wikipedia without worries about "phoning home". No background logging; no automatic crash reports.

XOWA - Wikipedia Offline(圖8)-速報App

To get a database for XOWA, see the list of Android wikis here: http://xowa.org/home/wiki/Android/Setup.html

For more info about setting up XOWA, see http://xowa.org/home/wiki/Android/Setup.html