速報APP / 工具 / Conchboards



檔案大小:11.6 MB

版本需求:需要 iOS 11.2 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。



The Conchboards soundboard platform was built for the same reason as its intended use; for fun! Feel free to create and share boards to your content, however please be mindful to not upload content that may be deemed inappropriate.

Feature highlights:

- Create soundboards for fun, that the world can see!

- Browse and search the library of boards created by other users!

- Favourite the boards you like the most to view them again later!

- Instantly share your favourite boards on various social platforms!

- Use the desktop webapp to use Conchboards on your computer! (https://conchboards.com)


Before creating a board, please note the following:

- To create a soundboard, you will need the files uploaded in your iCloud storage. All uploaded files must be < 2.5mb each

- Only the following image formats are supported: .jpg, .jpeg, and .png

- Additionally, only the following audio formats are supported: .mp3, .wav, .mpga, .aif, .aiff

The Conchboards desktop webapp can be found at https://conchboards.com.

If you need help, please visit https://conchboards.com/faq.

Feel free to shoot a message to contact@conchboards.com if you have any additional questions or concerns.




支援平台:iPhone, iPad