目前版本:alpha beta omega
版本需求:Android 1.6 以上版本
The main purpose of this app is to change and modify the settings of a longboard. in the settings tab, there are 3 main screens the settings, Speed and the LEDs. This app is meant to communicate with the longboard via Bluetooth. There are 4 bytes of information that this app sends and each byte has a leading identifier byte.
leading byte:
Settings: S = ascii: 83
Max Speed: M = ascii: 77
Min Speed: m = ascii: 155
LED brightness: L = ascii: 76
when the corresponding update button is pressed then the app will send the corresponding leading byte and then a value from 0 to 255.
When the read settings byte is pressed then the app will send the letter R = ascii: 82
then look for a response. then the longboard should see the letter R and send back to the app the current settings of the longboard. Starting with S = ascii: 83 then the corresponding byte then M = ascii: 77 then the corresponding byte then m = ascii: 155 then the corasponding byte then L = ascii: 76 then the corasponding. Keep in mind that the corresponding byte is the actual data of the setting that is being read from the longboard. this data byte should be a value from 0 to 255.