Это Коръән - Коран на Татарском - Quran in Tatar (Yakub Ibn Nugman). Приложение работает в режиме ОФ
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Korán v nizozemštině +
Dit is een Korán v nizozemštině (Salomo Keyzer, Fred Leemhuis, Sofian S. Siregar). Het applicatie is
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Это Хорватско-Казахский и Казахско-Хорватский Словарь (Kazahstanski-Hrvatska i Hrvatska-Kazahstanski
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This is English Northern Sami Dictionary and Northern Sami English Dictionary. The Dictionary is OFF
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This is English Scots Dictionary and Scots English Dictionary (Inglis Scots dictionar). The Dictiona
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This is English Scots Dictionary and Scots English Dictionary (Inglis Scots dictionar). The Dictiona
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Este es un Corán en español (Raúl González Bórnez, Julio Cortes, Muhammad Isa García). La aplicación
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BIBELN - Swedish Holy BibleVälj en bok från den svenska BibelnGamla Testamentet - Old Testament[1] 1
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English Luxembourgish Dictionary and Luxembourgish English Dictionary (Englesch Lëtzebuergesch Wierd
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English Luxembourgish Dictionary and Luxembourgish English Dictionary (Englesch Lëtzebuergesch Wierd
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