This App includes Charles Dickens' best books:A Tale of Two CitiesThe Pickwick PapersThe Adventu
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Best Classic Books
This app includes ten best classic books: Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes SaavedraMoby Dick or Th
看更多 »Best Romance Books
This app includes all time best romance books: Pride and Prejudice by: Jane AustenJane Eyre by: Char
看更多 »Emma by Jane Austen
Emma, by Jane Austen, is a novel about youthful hubris and the perils of misconstrued romance. The n
看更多 »Gullivers Travels
Gulliver's Travels, whose full title is Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World. In Fou
看更多 »War and Peace
War and Peace is a novel by the Russian author Leo Tolstoy, which is regarded as a central work of w
看更多 »四大名著
看更多 »四小名著
(简体)中国四小名著是指四部著名小说的统称。中国的四小名著是《封神演义》、《儒林外史》、《三侠五义》《聊斋志异》。 《封神演义》,俗称《封神榜》,又名《商周列国全传》、《武王伐纣外史》、《封神传》,中
看更多 »Jane Austen Books
Collection of Jane Austen books: Pride and Prejudice by: Jane AustenJPride and Prejudice by: Jane Au
看更多 »Fox Reading eBooks Audiobooks
An eReader, designed for every reader. Discover FREE ebooks, novels. and audio books. Includes all t
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