Het jy geweet?• Witpelikane lewe tot 30 jaar in die natuur.• Flaminke is grys-wit van kleur by geboo
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Sasol Common Birds for Beginners (Lite):
Did you know?– Great White pelicans can live for up to 30 years in the wild.– Flamingos are born gre
看更多 »Sasol Mammals for Beginners (Full): Quic
** A Lite version of the app is also available for free, with in-app purchasing. -------------------
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Did you know?* A leopard’s tail is as long as it’s body.* Southern African ground squirrels whistle
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Het jy geweet?• Die olifant se naaste lewende familielid is die dassie. • 'n Nonnetjie-uil maak
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Het jy geweet?• 'n Luiperd se stert is so lank soos sy liggaam. • Grondeekhorings fluit hard wan
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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------** A Lite
看更多 »Sasol Wildlife for Beginners (Lite): Qui
Did you know?* The African elephant is the nearest living relative of the dassie.* The Western Barn
Report and provide Rating for issues affecting Education, Health, Agriculture, Environment, Infrastr
看更多 »Managed Health 4 All
The Managed Health 4 All App provides prospective clients with an opportunity to determine exactly w
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