Introduction:This NTK IBDP Biology App is designed for students taking the IBDP Biology examination
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This NTK IGCSE Biology App is designed for students taking the Edexcel IGCSE Biology examination. Fo
看更多 »NTK SAT Chemistry
This NTK SAT Chemistry app is designed for students taking the SAT Chemistry examination offered by
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This NTK SAT Chemistry app is designed for students taking the SAT Chemistry examination offered by
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This NTK SAT Math II app is designed for students taking the SAT Math II examination offered by Coll
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This NTK SAT Math II app is designed for students taking the SAT Math II examination offered by Coll
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該NTK手機應用程式旨在幫助家長和學生與日新月異的教育界接軌。 使用此程式的用戶將優先獲得NTK最新的課程資訊,以及我們銅鑼灣及九龍分校的促銷活動內容。輕輕動動您的手指,便可查詢資訊,快速瀏覽由80多
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使用德勤教育集團應用程式,你可以: 輕鬆於同一日曆上查看所有子女的上課時間表 查看上課資料及公開考試日期 查閱未繳付學費單及快捷繳付 了解最新NTK資訊、活動及優惠德勤教育中心 (NTK Learni
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