The Oracle IoT Fleet Monitoring mobile application enables drivers of vehicles to start trips and mo
看更多 »Oracle America, Inc.
Oracle IoT Prod Monitoring
For businesses seeking ease of implementation and rapid results from IoT enabled production monitori
看更多 »Oracle Management Cloud Mobile
The Oracle Management Cloud (OMC) mobile app offers anywhere access to information about the entire
看更多 »Oracle Mobilytics
Oracle Mobilytics provides sales executives with unprecedented, mobile business intelligence on sale
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Oracle Policy Automation (OPA) for Mobile Devices. Oracle Policy Automation is an end-to-end solutio
看更多 »Oracle PPM Cloud Mobile
Oracle PPM Cloud Mobile gives team members anytime, anywhere access to their Project Portfolio Manag
看更多 »Oracle PPM Cloud R12 Legacy
Oracle PPM Cloud R12 Legacy mobile app gives project managers and team members secure access to thei
看更多 »Oracle Primavera P6 EPPM
若您安裝此應用程式,代表您同意「一般使用者授權合約」條款,網址是。若您已擁有 P
看更多 »Oracle Primavera Unifier
Oracle Primavera Unifier 行動應用程式是 Unifier 使用者的最佳行動夥伴。專案經理與欄位使用者可使用 Unifier 行動應用程式來檢視、更新並合作處理專案。使用者可管理
看更多 »Oracle Prime Field
使用 Oracle Primavera Field for iOS 应用程序访问重要信息,为贵组织使用 Oracle Primavera 管理的项目提供状态更新。通过一款简单易用的应用程序,简化流程和
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