- Easy to register new items and you can even take picture of your items when lending to someone. -
看更多 »Vigleik Steinar Voll
'Gloseprøven!' sin fusk-sjekker!Sjekking av innsendte klasseprøver for eventuelle fusk-forsø
看更多 »Gloseprøven!
Skriv/snakk inn setninger og gloser og lær dem på en enkel og givende måte! Genial feil-liste!Dersom
看更多 »QuizClient
Quiz game with your friends and family connected to your private WiFi!Automatic connection between a
看更多 »QuizServer
Quiz with your family/friends/students on your local WiFi network!Or get 'Lesson help' or &#
看更多 »X-digital
Solving crosswords this way is fun!- Take a picture of a crossword puzzle/Sudoku and solve it by wri
看更多 »ScreenKiller
Tired of guys touching your device?S C A R E your friends, have fun!!- If someone touch your screen:
看更多 »FamilyGames
- Play "10.000" (the dice game)!- Play "Ladder" game in a new and funny way! (5 dices to 1 dice) - P
看更多 »AllMyStuff
- Register all your painting ID's by picturing them or speak/write them.- All car data: reg. num
看更多 »AltMitt
- Garantier: Ta bilder av alle dine kvitteringer og du har alltid kontrollen!- Bildata: Reg.nr, serv
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