基督徒的聖經遊戲! 這個遊戲包含許多難題和舊遺囑和新的不同聖經故事的美麗圖片。 故事如:• 亞當和夏娃;• 諾亞方舟;•大衛和歌利亞;•摩西和上帝的故事;•聖母瑪利亞的上帝耶穌基督的兒子的誕生;在復活
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Anti-Loitering: Ultrasound
The app sends out irritating ultrasounds that only young adults and teenagers can hear. After a whil
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First make sure your phone has an AMOLED screen. This app will only save battery life if you have an
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Our app serves the astrology needs of the gay community with better tailored predictions, instead of
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