Designed for babies...Simply press the Happy Face to activate the joyful sound of a laughing baby.
看更多 »懷孕與育兒
Rotina Divertida
O Aplicativo Rotina Divertida busca auxiliar os pais com filhos que possuam alguma forma de dificuld
看更多 »如何教你的孩子閱讀
"學習如何教孩子閱讀並繼續讀簡單的步驟!大多數人並不想看書學習,直到他們決定開始在家裡教自己的孩子的過程。 相反,有些人認為,學習閱讀是不是“自然”的過程,一切發生在自己。這是一個複雜的問題,需要的各
看更多 »Hello Daddy-O
Congrats you're about to become a dad! Keep track of your baby's size and compare it to supe
看更多 »ParentingNI
Resource providing anyone in a parenting role across N Ireland support. Brought to you by Parenting
看更多 »睡婴儿-Lullabies和安抚MUSICS免
睡觉音乐为婴儿 - 摇篮曲和安抚免费帮助宝宝更快,更容易,白噪声和婴儿视频入睡你的宝宝难以入睡吗?想让宝宝睡个好觉吗?这是让孩子入睡的绝佳选择。你可以发出美妙的声音来平息宝宝,像天使一样睡觉。通过播放
看更多 »Bundles Of Love Christian Academy
Building brighter minds for a brighter future.
看更多 »Hibou Sleep Lamp
Having a cute baby in the family, with much happiness and joy, however, he always cries and hard to
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What you learn when you are a kid stays with you through the adulthood. Himalaya Oral Care, the oral
看更多 »Securly Home
Securly parents, now you can access the Parent Portal through your Android device.Use your phone or
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