حاسبة الحمل العربية هو من التطبيقات من التطبيقات القليلة جدا في العالم العربي باللغة العربية، كل الت
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Kurdish First Names
With this app you can find Kurdish first names for babys with their meaning. The name meaning is sho
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Parent Security is powered by (parentsecurityonline.com) the largest news site for educating parents
A premature birth is a birth that takes place more than three weeks before the baby's estimated
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This app is aimed at helping working moms who struggle with guilt, anxiety and stress. Whether we wo
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Baby shower es una fiesta para celebrar que el bebé está a puntito de nacer. Es una tradición popula
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Buah hati adalah seseorang yang sangat didambakan oleh setiap pasangan yang baru menikah. Tentunya a
看更多 »安睡宝贝 :自动监测宝宝哭闹,播放自选背景音,帮助宝宝入睡
家里有宝宝是非常幸福的一件事,但是如何安抚宝宝睡觉是一个让很多宝妈宝爸头疼的问题。充足的睡眠对宝宝的健康成长有巨大的帮助作用。宝宝有了高质量的睡眠,也能使宝妈宝爸安心入睡,以更好的状态照顾宝宝。 这款
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La Regione Toscana intende operare azioni preventive per contrastare le tragedie derivanti dall’inco
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