Оставайтесь на связи с врачом в любой ситуации.Приложение позволяет получать консультации опытных вр
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DocOnline: Ask a Doctor Online
Get Your Doctor consultations, medicine services and diagnostic tests at one place! DocOnline – prov
看更多 »Docotal
Easy and simple to use Medical Consultation platform. features include :• Personal profile with sett
看更多 »Docplexus Doctor's Network
Docplexus is a platform exclusively for doctors to securely communicate with peers and other health
看更多 »DocPoc Pro
Docpoc is an online booking platform which allows patients to search, find and book appointment with
看更多 »Docpoint Mobile
STOP CALLING Doctor's offices to book, change or cancel an appointment! With Docpoint, you can b
看更多 »DocPoke - Search, book and review doctor
Times are changing and so is everyone’s lifestyle. Docpoke makes it easier to manage this change by
看更多 »Docquity
Docquity is Asia’s fastest growing Medical Education and Knowledge sharing platform exclusively forD
看更多 »Docrage for iPad
お医者さん用の、スケジューラとリマインダを統合したアプリです。 患者ごとに、検査のスケジュール、ToDoリストなどを設定することができ、本日の予定一覧なども一目で確認することができます。 患者毎のカレ
看更多 »DoCS - Diagnosis Of Child Sepsis
A clinically valid sepsis diagnosis tool designed for use by qualified doctors and health profession
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