Dosefinder is a simple paediatric emergency drug calculator. It provides weight derived dosage for k
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DoseMe is a simple to use timer for medications that aren't taken on a fixed daily schedule. Sim
看更多 »DoseMeRx
DoseMe is a dose-individualisation tool that can be used by clinicians and healthcare practitioners
看更多 »DoseOrganizer
> DoseOrganizer is the most flexible and easy-to-use app for the iPhone, and iPod Touch to help user
看更多 »DoseOrganizer Lite
> DoseOrganizer is the most flexible and easy-to-use app for the iPhone, and iPod Touch to help user
看更多 »DoseRD - Tube Feeding Calculator
DoseRD is the first app to turn your smartphone into a dosing calculator for all enteral feeds, lett
看更多 »Dosere - ct scan dose simple repository
Dosere is a simple CT Scan dose repository app for your iOS device. You can save technical parameter
看更多 »DoseSmart
Never forget your medication again! DoseSmart for iOS helps you remember to take your medication. Wi
看更多 »Doshi Diag
The MphRx Mobile Connect Doshi Diagnostic software program allows Radiologists and Physicians to acc
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This is the accompanying mobile application for use with Dosime radiation detection device. The Dosi
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