可以摸到的動畫有聲故事書:iBigToy品牌經典兒童名著《青蛙王子》發布。 最優秀的閱讀體驗:每頁均帶有交互動畫的插畫有聲書籍 革命性多媒體形式的經典兒童讀物:精細設計的故事書和絕佳的聲音圖像體驗。最
看更多 »圖書與參考資源
Frog Prince for Children by Story Time f
A young and beautiful princess, while walking through the woods one fine evening, came across a pond
FROG READER est un lecteur de livres FROG. Ce sont des livres numériques 100% accessibles aux Dys. L
看更多 »FROSIO Inspectors Book
This book is meant to be used in conjunction with educating FROSIO Coating Inspectors as well as a b
看更多 »Frosty the snowman
***Awarded with the “Comenius EduMedia Seal 2012“, for exemplary educational media.***Frosty the sno
看更多 »Frritt-Flacc, by Jules Verne - interacti
"Frrit-Flacc" is an interactive book that shows how biology can solve the great challenges of the pl
看更多 »Fruit - HD Infant Photo Book
This version of PicaBook Learning: Fruit includes 20 HD fruits: apple, kiwi, banana, lime, lemon, ma
看更多 »图画书 游戏有很多图片,如苹果,香蕉,葡萄,柠檬,梨,草莓:水果和蔬菜的幼儿和儿
玩图片并用不同的蜡笔给它们上色,这个程序能为您的孩子带来乐趣。 非常适合平板电脑和手机。 您的孩子可以开心地玩上数个小时!您可以与您正在学步的孩子一起享受涂颜色带来的乐趣。或者与您的孩子们来一场着色比
看更多 »Fruits & Vegetables Flashcards
This application uses interactive flashcards to help your kids and toddlers learn fruits and vegetab
看更多 »Fruits for Little Lamb: teach your chil
Teach your children the fruits of the Spirit in this adorable app!Love, kindess, peace, joy: God gra
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