أقوال النبي محمد (ص)، هذا التطبيق يحتوي على كتب الحديث الستة الرئيسية: صحيح البخاري، صحيح المسلم، جا
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Falenderimi i takon vetem Allahut. Ate e falenderojme dhe vetem prej Tij falje dhe ndihme kerkojme.
看更多 »Hadithet e Buhariut
Hadithet e Buhariut eshte aplikacion mobil per leximin e haditheve nga koleksioni i hadithit Sahih e
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Prenez compte des paroles du Prophete Sidna Mohammed Que e salut d'Allah soit sur lui. Hadiths P
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Accès gratuit et illimité au Coran et + de 15 000 hadiths répartis dans 7 recueils :- Sahih Muslim-
看更多 »Hadits Bukhari
Kitab Shahih Bukhari merupakan kitab (buku) koleksi hadits yang disusun oleh Imam Bukhari (nama leng
看更多 »Hafez Fortunes
THIS APP IS IN PERSIAN. Hafez fortunes brings you the wisdom of greatest Persian poet, Hafez to use
看更多 »Hafez Hafez
We are glad to present this application consisting of 495 written and recorded ghazals by Hafez, eac
看更多 »Hafez Jalali
Sonnets of Hafez with the following characteristics: - نسخه های مصحح قزوینی-غنی و دکتر خانلری - Tran
看更多 »Hafez Jalali Lite
A lite version of Hafez Jalali, which includes:Sonnets of Hafez: - According toنسخه قزوینی - غنی - T
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