家長可透過「CDC Connects」閱覽及參與經明德兒童啓育中心(CDC)評估後,為孩子所制定的「個人學習導向」計劃目標。此應用程式旨在提升家長參與度,鼓勵他們在家中與孩子共同完成「個人學習導向」計
看更多 »教育
CDC HEADS UP Concussion and Helmet Safet
The CDC HEADS UP Concussion and Helmet Safety app will help you learn how to spot a possible concuss
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Milestones is a certified Montessori daycare and child development center. We provide an entertainin
看更多 »CDC Practice
Take practice quizzes with however many questions you want. Questions (and their answers) are presen
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CDCFC 4 Me is your best solution for finding all your family's resource needs. From early care a
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In this free new app for members of The Calgary & District Dental Society (CDDS) in Calgary, Alberta
看更多 »CDE® Coach
CDE® Coach integrates powerful study tools and diabetes clinical resources for Health Professionals
看更多 »CDE® Exam Prep & Review
Pass your CDE® exam with 300 exam-like questions, rationales, and detailed progress! Brought to you
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Depuis 1530, les Professeurs du Collège de France développent et enseignent la recherche dans les sc
看更多 »CDGI eCampus
This app allows students and professors of the university to access message/e-mail on one-click acce
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