BabyPaint let's play your kids with drawings and colors.With BabyPaint a kid can play drawing co
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Baby Plan - Make your life full of color! Plants are an interesting interactive drawing coloring app
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Babyradio pone a tu disposición la herramienta educativa para niños y niñas de 0 a 8 años más potent
看更多 »BabySchool Neverland
L'Applicazione Baby School Neverland offre un servizio Webcam in tempo reale in cui i genitori s
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"What does my baby see?" This question comes to mind the moment a baby's eyes first open. Can sh
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Advance your Nanny Career with On-line Nanny Training Classes in the 4 most important areas of child
看更多 »BabySnap Observer
• BabySnap DescriptionBabySnap provides those who work with infants and young children with a minute
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1,300+ baby development activities and milestones for children 0-24 months. Designed by experts, use
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Steek de hand uit om het scherm aan te raken en het te zien oplichten… een onbeduidend gebaar voor e
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BabySteps Introduction BabySteps provides a one-stop instant messaging platform for parents to under
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