■読み方がすぐにわかる電卓、出ました。突然ですが、105,426,568,869円この金額、読めますか?突然見せられても、なかなか読みにくいと思います。読み方は、「せん ごじゅう よん おくにせん ろ
看更多 »教育
Calc in Tiles
*This is the free version of Calc in Tiles. It contains only two tiles.Buy the full version to get 2
看更多 »Calc It!
Calc It is an addictive game that stimulates your brain and speed. Fun, challenging and competitive
看更多 »CALC Prime
Used by thousands in iPad equipped classrooms, CALC Prime is optimized for productivity on iOS10-12.
看更多 »Calc Visualizer
Calc Visualizer helps the user better understand some of the most important concepts of calculus. Th
看更多 »Calc Watch - Best Wrist Calculator
This app brings a calculator to your Watch.
看更多 »Calc-50
Calc-50 is a high-precision scientific graphing calculator. It carries over 50 digits of accuracy an
看更多 »Calc4relais
Cette version lite de Coach4relais appelée Calc4relais te permet de connaitre rapidement la valeur d
看更多 »Calca
Calca is a powerful symbolic calculator that gives you instant answers as you type. It solves equati
看更多 »Calcadore
Calcadore is a speaking calculator specifically designed to help children learn about numbers as the
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