"Thousands of new car parking spots in cities!"Barking creates thousands of new exclusive and afford
看更多 »旅遊與地方資訊
Barking Town Centre Guide
This app provides you with information about Barking Town Centre. The app includes details of retail
看更多 »Barkota Ticket Booking
Book your tickets for shipping companies in the Philippines with Barkota. Over 40 destinations to ch
看更多 »Barmstedt
Mit der offiziellen Barmstedt-App erhalten Sie ausführliche Informationen über die Verwaltungsgemein
看更多 »Barokní Kuks
Mobilní aplikace, která vás bez bloudění provede Kuksem a Braunovým Betlémem.Pojďte se projít areále
看更多 »氣壓計和高度計
氣壓計和高度計是測量大氣壓力和海拔高度的簡單應用。該應用程序使用:- 內置的GPS, - 內置壓力傳感器/氣壓計(如果設備沒有氣壓傳感器,應用程序通過互聯網從最近的氣象站檢索大氣壓力數據), - 基於
看更多 »Barometer antique
Use your iPhone or iPod Touch as real Barometer. Additional: Big temperature display, felt temperatu
看更多 »Barometer Deluxe - Pressure on The Map W
Barometer Deluxe tells you the exact outside pressure based on your current location as well as curr
看更多 »Barometer plus Altimeter
晴雨表輸出當前的氣壓。鑑於您的手機或平板電腦的氣壓傳感器。 氣壓計提供當前的空氣壓力,測得的最大和最小。此外,為了提高傳感器的測量值的準確度可被移位。 注意:不是所有的設備都具有空氣壓力傳感器。我們測
看更多 »Baron Performance
Baron Performance computes all the useful performance numbers for flight planning for Beechcraft Bar
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