新主题来啦!让你的手机变得更美更有趣吧!Ace launcher ,是一款非常受欢迎的主题品牌,内有超过1000种主题皮肤,两百万用户的选择,快来试一下吧! Rainy 风格主题,带有最美的水滴效果,
看更多 »個人化
想換個壁紙?那就試試這款Electric screen動態壁紙,您的手機背景會變得很不一樣! ☺️
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Simply beautiful live wallpaper inspired by the default Nexus Live Wallpaper. Create your very own u
看更多 »Neon手機主題&桌布
新主题来啦!让你的手机变得更美更有趣吧!Ace launcher ,是一款非常受欢迎的主题品牌,内有超过1000种主题皮肤,两百万用户的选择,快来试一下吧! Neon 风格主题,带有最美的霓虹燈效果,
看更多 »金色奢華鑽石壁紙 精美鮮花鑽石主題 藍色妖姬魅力主題
金色奢華鑽石壁紙 精美鮮花鑽石主題 藍色妖姬魅力主題是一款安卓系統的手機主題,具有3D動態效果、3D天氣特效、精美應用圖標以及黑色科技風的壁紙。該款主題適用於大多數安卓機型。安裝金色藍花,體驗3D主屏
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Black(Nero, Negro) Glass windows 10 3D clock is a launcher theme which has beautiful Black(Nero, Neg
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Delight your eyes with a trip though a mesmerizing world of constantly shifting symmetry! Watch as h
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Features:- Kawaii anime live video wallpaper with support for phones and tablets - You can disable s
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After receiving several requests to give the Twilight Mirror the same Live Wallpaper treatment that
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Tendrils of phazon, inspired by the end credits of (a game whose name I can not say because Google w
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