這是一個燒腦的在線回合制雙人對戰邏輯策略對弈遊戲. 推薦對推理能力有自信的玩家挑戰智商.遊戲玩法源自傳統遊戲珠璣妙算(又稱猜數字, 1A2B), 但增加了原創的回合制對戰模式和道具. 遊戲目標是在對手
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Capt'n Sharky: Abenteuer auf hoher See
*** Eine fantastische App, die zu vielen Spielrunden mit dem Lieblingspiraten einlädt und durch maxi
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Captain boat Box is a wonderful and fun game The idea of the game is to collect the required number
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■ Best C Programming Study App■ C Programming Study consists of 4 educational contents(Library, E-Bo
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Ahoy! Put your arithmetic skills to the test, joining Captain Ella and her crew on their adventures.
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■ French Language Study STEP 1 with “Captain Feel”■ French Language Education APP by enjoyable learn
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This is a premium app. 100% ad free. No In-App-Purchases. Captain Jack and his crew spent their days
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Captain Jack and his crew spent their days sailing the seas and oceans hunting for very valuable tre
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