BEACH WOOD '87 公式アプリをリリースしました!山形市の美容室「ビーチウッドハナ」は、湘南スタイルの美容院です。一人一人に合ったヘアスタイルやカラーをご提案いたしますまた、「ビーチ
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Beacon factory
Skynet Technologies presents Beacon Factory App which allows retailers, tourism, malls to implement
看更多 »Beacon GO-激活线下场景
iBeacon™是苹果公司在2013年WWDC提出的蓝牙低功耗信标技术。"Beacon GO"将带你领略Beacon (信标) 技术带给生活的变化,给你最全面直观的认识。通过App的演示,你将会体验到
看更多 »Beacon Lighting
Welcome to the Beacon Lighting Live Brighter AppWouldn’t it be great to see how the lights you love
看更多 »BeaconApp
Beacon App è stata realizzata durante un progetto di tesi da Giusy Iacopino presso la Restart Labs S
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Can’t buy happiness? You can. If you know where to look.BeaconMi is a revolutionary lifestyle portal
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Are you looking for the perfect bracelet to accessorize your outfit, promote a cause, a sports team,
Gagnez de l’argent de votre Lifestyle avec votre smartphone !Si on like ce que vous êtes, ce que vou
看更多 »BeamMii
Beamii bruges til at få gode og special tilbud i forskellige butikker. Her vil du få disse tilbud au
看更多 »Beano's Cafe Egypt
Become a member, collect points, access your balance information, view our location on map, take ful
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