叫錯名字?生僻字讀不出來?等等,類似的尴尬每天都在發生。我們來解決!只要“按葫蘆畫瓢”寫出字,我們就按您的要求把正確發音讀出來!出門旅遊,當地語言不會?問路不知道怎麽開口,孤獨無助? 我們來幫您解決,
看更多 »生活品味
Easy To-Do & To-Buy list
Extremely cute note taking application.Easily list all your needs or things.Easy and fast app, slipp
看更多 »Easy To-Do Manager
Easy To-Do Manager is a very simple and easy-to-use task manager app that help you plan and then com
看更多 »Easy Travel Expense Management, Images T
Travel Document application is simply designed for mobile people who would like to have one tool for
看更多 »Easy UP/down Timers
Enjoy the flexibility of having 25 simultaneous counters and timers with both a scrolling view of mu
看更多 »Easy URL Keyboard
Featuring the same arrow keys as well-received Easy Mailer series - You can type URL easier with a Q
看更多 »Easy Wifi : automatic connection hotspot
The connecting to wifi hotspots has never been easier !Easy Wifi now available in the Mac App Store
看更多 »Easy Work Service Serramenti
APP Start informazioni essenziali Easy Work Service sncSerramenti civili e industriali Funzionalità:
看更多 »Easy Workout
Easy Workout has exercises for your abs, chest, legs and arms as well as full body workouts. All the
看更多 »Easy!Voting - voting machine for communi
Easy!Voting supports voting and decision-making in communities where all voters can share one iPhone
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