Janome’s AcuDesign Embroidery App allows you to purchase, edit, import and export designs from your
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The AcuEdit app allows you to edit Janome embroidery designs on your iPad using Wi-Fi .You can edit
看更多 »AcuMonitor
The AcuMonitor app allows you to check the current status of embroidery work on your iOS device usin
ACUPOMS is a open source and can be downloaded by Owners and TenantsThis App is property management
看更多 »AcuSetter
The AcuSetter app allows you to adjust the position of designs using your iPad and Wi-Fi before embr
看更多 »AcuSketch
The AcuSketch app allows you to create an embroidery design by tracing on the canvas displayed on th
看更多 »Acute Barbers
Acute Barbers - Wellfield Rd Roath, Cardiff. Download now for business information and more.
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Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Bedah Indonesia cabang JABAR, Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Bedah Digest
看更多 »AC云社区
AC云社区,是一款针对安辰信息产业股份有限公司的门禁系统而制做的应用。 这款应用主要通过和门禁设备进行通信,使用这款应用既可以通过远程监控门禁设备,也可以和门禁设备对讲通话,还可以呼叫手机号码,有访客
看更多 »AD Araranguá
Aplicativo oficial da AD Araranguá
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