You can't count cards in a casino, but you can in this game and have a blast! It's Card Coun
看更多 »Blackjack
BlackJack Trainer
Данное приложение предназначено для того, чтобы научить игрока играть в Black Jack (европейский вари
看更多 »Blackjack Sally Vegas Casino
Seriously improve your blackjack skills. Game AI monitors your hands and helps provide hints to trai
看更多 »Blackjack Oscar's Strategy Pro
***You need the free application to be able to use Blackjack Oscar's Strategy ***The Oscar's
看更多 »BlackJack 21
The rules are simple get as close to 21 without going over.BlackJack 21 comes with a strategy card t
看更多 »Amazing Blackjack Keno Slots
"Amazing Keno Blackjack Slot" is all 3 in 1 awesome application and now available in the Google Play
看更多 »Blackjack Strategy Trainer FREE
Learn how to play blackJack like a pro, when to Hit, Stand, Split or Double with Robot - Jack. no ne
看更多 »Blackjack Native
Play double-deck blackjack with basic strategy tips along the way. You will be told what the optimal
看更多 »Blackjack Helper - Fast Help With Optima
Blackjack Helper is a fast and easy to navigate app that will help you when you're faced with a
看更多 »秘密花園填色書 - 輕鬆減壓,童年回憶,簡單易玩,藝術創作
減壓神器 有心理學家解釋指,填色有神奇的減壓效用,這種「藝術療法」可讓人暫時脫離現實世界,擺脫壓力,把現實生活中的煩惱通通拋諸腦後,更可把內心的喜怒哀樂表達出來,負面情緒不知不覺間被處理掉。 賞心悅目
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