You connect the same color together, a minimum of 3 colors, you will get points and increased time.
看更多 »Connect
DrawPaw: Connect the World with Animals
Draw animals and watch them evolve as they journey around the world!DrawPaw combines aspects from th
看更多 »Stone Connect BLE
Eco Domestic Heating provides the control of electrical radiators and towel rails heaters with Bluet
看更多 »Style Right
Style Right takes care of booking hairstylists, barbers, makeup up artists and everyone you need to
看更多 »Drive+ Connect 智聯車載系統
"「TOYOTA Drive+ Connect 智聯車載系統」是和泰汽車為TOYOTA車主所推出的4G車聯網服務,結合車載娛樂系統、智慧型手機、導航與雲端即時資訊。透過雲端資料同步,您可以在車載娛樂系
看更多 »SMart CONNECT (SM3 EV)
[소개]차량의 ECO 정보, 소모품 정보 등을 언제 어디서나 SmartPhone을 통해서 확인하세요.[주요기능]1. 주행거리에 따른 차량 소모품 교환주기 확인 제공2. 위급상황시
看更多 »Total Connect 2.0
Stay ConnectedWith Total Connect® Remote Services you may control and connect your home or business
看更多 »Total Connect Comfort
The Total Connect Comfort app allows users to remotely monitor and manage their heating and cooling
看更多 »Tracker Guard
Tracker Guard is designed for your peace of mind in a breakdown or roadside emergency. Tracker will
看更多 »Auraclean Smart Connect Mobile
Auraclean Facility Services work order and inspection management system Auraclean’s “Smart Connect”
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