Leben, wie ich will. Mit FOCUS-DIABETES.Stark wie nie! Mit Diabetes voll im Leben stehen. FOCUS-DIAB
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Focus: 脈輪冥想放鬆,正念,坐禪和瑜伽
利用作曲家Christopher Lloyd Clarke B.Sc, Msc.D.的七個曲目,喚醒,淨化並活躍您身體脈輪能量中心。只需點擊您所選擇的脈輪,精神集中在輕聲的曼陀羅象徵,在60分鐘製作精
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We completely rethink breathing, meditation and mindfulness apps.Using our revolutionary app on a da
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Share updates, ask questions, support others, and stay connected with others throughout your recover
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A newsletter from the Foundation Fighting BlindnessThis application is powered by GTxcel, a leader i
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Using a traffic light system, In Hand acts as a digital friend to help you in times of stress or low
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OTTICA FOCUS Via Sciuti Giuseppe - 57 Palermo - PA - Ottica, lenti a contatto ed occhiali - vendita
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TAKE BACK CONTROL OF YOUR FERTILITY: OvuSense™ is an extremely accurate cycle monitoring system, unl
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** APPLE'S APP OF THE DAY **Primed Mind channels your stresses and anxieties directly into achie
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10 and 20 Minute Qi Gong Focus Work Outs for the busy person. App also has a variety of learning too
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