Barcode Scanner是一款简单易用的免费应用程序,可让您轻松扫描条形码和QR码。只需启动应用程序,将相机指向代码,就完成了!条形码扫描仪非常快速,可以即时提供准确的结果。它支持QR码可能包含
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Step Counter - Pedometer Free & Calorie
Walking for Weight Loss is a professional interval walking fitness plan specially designed for weigh
看更多 »Pedometer Step Tracker: Walking & Calori
Track your steps calories burned and distance with step counter. Pedometer step counter free renders
看更多 »步数计步器:步骤应用程序,步骤跟踪器,步数计数器
使用这个免费的健康柜台跟踪您的步数,步行和减肥。使用我们的计步器,计步器和健康跟踪器应用程序,使用24/7步数计算,减轻体重,跟踪步行距离和燃烧的卡路里。 免费下载计步器应用程序,将您的手机变成您的个
看更多 »Pedometer(Step Counter)
Pedometer(Step Counter) uses the sensor to count your steps. It doesn't use GPS tracking, so it
看更多 »Pedometer : step counter
A free, easy-to-use Pedometer app"Pedometer" records the number of steps you have walked It is easy
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Program counts calories, distance, speed, average speed, time in motion, takes all sorts of graphics
看更多 »Pedometer Step Counter
Pedometer counts your steps when you walk or run. It lets your to know the number of calories you bu
看更多 »Footsteps Pedometer Free
This free version can count up to 3000 steps a day.FEATURES- Records steps, duration, distance, calo
看更多 »Pedometer GPS Sport
Pedometer GPS Sport is a lightweight and easy-to-handle, for hiking, running or biking.You can use e
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