Do you love music? Let's join Musik Quiz (Music Quiz) gameshow! Chose the list of songs you like
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QUIZ des Capitales du Monde
Quiz des capitales du monde est un Quiz sympa pour tester vos connaissances en géographie et vous ai
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Cette application consiste en un quiz informatique. Celui-ci vous vous permettra de tester vos conna
看更多 »Géographie quiz - Version 2017
L'application Géographie quiz est un quiz basé sur le jeu des questions à choix multiples. Des q
看更多 »German Articles Quiz : Der Die Das
Wenn man beginnt die deutsche Sprache zu lernen sind die Artikels die schwierigste Aufgabe. mache ic
看更多 »Tests de logique - Exercices, QCM, Quiz,
States of Brazil quiz - maps, flags and
There are 26 States in Brazil and one federal district with country capital – Brasilia. This quiz is
看更多 »Italy Regions quiz – maps and capitals
There are 21 regions in Italy. Each region with its own unique flag and own capital. This app will h
看更多 »Oceania and Australia quiz – countries a
Simple and interesting quiz about countries, flags and border maps of Oceania and Australia region.
看更多 »Africa countries quiz – flags, maps and
Africa – is one of the biggest continent of our planet. There are 62 countries in the Africa, which
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