CONSIGA UM TRADUTOR OFFLINE PARA A SUA PRÓXIMA VIAGEM"Dos aplicativos que testei na categoria de bai
看更多 »Translator
Baby Translator Free: What are My Babies
Hear your baby's words within seconds!***The perfect way to communicate with your little one! Pr
看更多 »Spanish-English Restaurant Translator (O
Have you ever been in a foreign restaurant and you don´t understand what is written in the menu? Thi
看更多 »English-Spanish Yoga Translator (Offline
Have you ever been in a yoga class and you don´t understand what the teacher is saying? This app wil
看更多 »Cat translator How to talk to cats Meow
This is a cat translator for fun. Good cat sounds waiting for you. Meow and purr are useful for kids
看更多 »UniversalNurse Speaker: Translator for N
UniversalNurse Speaker is a new translation tool to facilitate multilingual healthcare communication
看更多 »Keyboard Translator Professional Dark Ed
討厭頻繁開啟常見的翻譯軟體?將鍵盤變成翻譯員。 這是一款讓您忘記語言障礙的應用!將任何文字翻譯成超過30種語言! 試試此應用,它將成為您的必備應用! 適於專業用途和私人使用。
看更多 »Keyboard Translator Simple (你的文字翻譯到/從英語,
在所有應用中直接從鍵盤翻譯! 立即停用常用翻譯應用程式,試試新一代翻譯應用程式! 可用所有語言快速交流。 寫入文字後即可直接翻譯到正在使用的應用中。對傳送訊息、WhatsApp、Facebook、Tw
看更多 »Text Extractor + Translator (The scanner
"Text Extractor + Translator" is a digital recognition program and text translator.Extract texts fro
看更多 »Universal Translator - Voice and Text Tr
Speak & Translate is an indispensable voice and text translator that allows to communicate effective
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