14 day weather forecast including temperature, wind speed, humidity, weather conditions, precipitati
看更多 »Weather
Materialike_v.2 weather icons
*** ATTENTION ****** This is NOT a standalone app! You need KLWP PRO or KWGT PRO to use it ****** Ku
看更多 »Free Animated Weather Widget
Animated Forecast Weather is a full featured, completely customizable digital clock & weather foreca
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看更多 »MONROE weather wear watch face
MONROE weather wear watch faceMONROE is a modern hybrid watch face with a futuristic on and off anim
看更多 »Notification Weather style
This clock and weather app with widget is here waiting for you!This widgetis a full featured, comple
看更多 »weather notification bar
This clock and weather app with widget is here waiting for you!This widgetis a full featured, comple
看更多 »Amber daily weather report
This clock and weather app with widget is here waiting for you!This widgetis a full featured, comple
看更多 »Note Memo style weather widget
This clock and weather app with widget is here waiting for you!This widgetis a full featured, comple
看更多 »animated digital dashboard ☣
This clock and weather app with widget is here waiting for you!This widgetis a full featured, comple
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