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-Negatif yüklemek için sağa dokun. -Pozitif yüklemek için sola dokun. -Nötr kalması için her ikisine
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This article is about objects and devices that produce magnetic fields. For a description of magneti
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The magnet attracts each other full of fun.
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tap the blank block round the circle magnet, then the circle magnet will be there step by step, help
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當您每次將內容從一個應用移動到另一應用時,當您需要並排比較資料時,或是以其他方式進行多工處理時,你需要妥善放置所有視窗。Magnet 讓這一過程清爽又簡單。拖動視窗到邊緣,可將視窗大小調整到螢幕的一半
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Write, communicate and meet
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