WhiteBoard te propõe uma maneira ágil e fácil de organizar as fotos de suas matérias.O aplicativo sa
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「いいものは、シンプルだ。」無駄な機能を極力省いたホワイトボードアプリです。滑らかなタッチを再現しました。 基本性能■3種類のマーカー選択(太さ調整可能)■消しゴム機能は消したい部分をなぞって消去(太
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這是一個能夠快速繪畫的電子白板,您可以在一張白紙畫畫,也可以加入圖片畫畫,畫上你最想表達的東西。 作畫完畢你可以選擇是否要發佈到Facebook,一切都由自己決定。
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What is this ? This whiteboard or a white-blackboard as you may call it, converts you phone into an
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Whiteboards are the perfect tool for brainstorming,teaching or simply drawing.Draw your ideas and sh
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Whiteboard offers a delightful, modern mobile learning experience.This application is designed for a
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Whiteboard application is board for smartphonehelp to user draw anything on smartphone , note, drawi
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Whiteboard is a useful Tool that supports you in challenges that occur in everyday life. Sketches ca
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Very useful note taking and drawing app, you can use this as your personal notebook and your classro
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A handy and lightweight app to manage short notes. This app will provide you a simple editor to writ
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